The two men regarded one another with solemn and angry expressions. In the Director’s office, there was hardly any sound. Fuller sat in his chair behind his desk and he was leaning back with his arms folded across his chest. He was not only angry, but he was also disgusted.
The ATD Center was facing a crisis, but instead of cooperating their efforts, the agents of Justice were going out of their way to be a hindrance. They had tried to arrest Staci Cohen illegally and without cause. They had tried to prevent Fuller from sending his men on a retrieval mission. The Chief Director of Justice himself had personally disrupted operations by conducting interviews, which proved to be nothing more than a waste of time.
Now Carr sat in a chair in front of Fuller’s desk, his arms at his sides resting upon the arms of the chair. He was glaring at Fuller, but there was also a small smirk tugging at the left corner of his lips. He waited for Fuller to be the one to begin their meeting, hoping the man would apologize for his lack of cooperation, but knowing full well he wasn’t going to.
So the two men sat in silence and not one of them said a word. They simply glared at one another.
Fuller didn’t intend to say a word until Carr did.
Their glaring contest was interrupted by a knock on the door. The two men remained silent. The knocking persisted.
Fuller cleared his throat. “Enter!”
The door opened and one of Carr’s agents entered the office. His name was Jerry Averill and he didn’t even pay any attention to Fuller. He simply ignored the man completely. He moved to Carr’s side and conversed softly with him.
Fuller watched and waited.
Finally, Averill glared at Fuller, backed out of the office, and closed the door.
Carr looked at Fuller and let out a sigh. “Well…my pilots have survived the crash.”
“Good for them,” Fuller commented, but inwardly, he offered a thanksgiving to God for keeping His hand upon the pilots of Justice.
“This doesn’t change the fact that you disregarded my orders.”
“Your orders mean nothing to me, Carr. You do not have authorization above me. You never have.”
Carr looked at him.
“What you did to Staci was illegal. She can press charges against you.”
Carr snorted. “She won’t. And what I did wasn’t illegal.” He pointed at Fuller. “You helped her escape and when the time is right, you will answer for it, mark my words. There are things she must answer for herself and I cannot help but find it suspicious that you are on a first-name basis with her.”
“What about Hank Sumter?” Fuller asked, watching for Carr’s reaction.
There was recognition in his eyes. When Carr responded, however, he didn’t make eye contact with Fuller. He looked away. “Who?” He waved a hand as if to dismiss the issue. “I don’t know the man.”
“Are you sure about that?”
He shrugged. “Of course, I’m sure. I don’t know who you’re talking about.” He decided to quickly change the subject. “I think it’s time we stop playing word games. When your men return, they will be arrested for aiding a fugitive who is under suspicion for murder. They also aided this Sumter you’ve just mentioned and isn’t he responsible for betraying the President?” He didn’t wait for an answer. “I want LeBeau, Bandjough, and Shiva to answer for their actions. And I want my laptop back.”
Fuller frowned. “Your laptop?”
“Don’t give me that. You authorized them to take it and you’re responsible for them taking off without authorization.”
“For the last time, you do not have authority over my men.”
“They are the cause of the destruction of government property!”
“My men were following my orders and when they return, you will leave them be! If they have your laptop, it will be returned to you.” He leaned forward. “If you harass any of my people again, I will personally drag you from the premises by your ears right in front of your men.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Try me.”
Carr glared at him, but he saw the resolve in Fuller’s eyes and realized the man had reached his limitations. Finally, he took a deep breath and shook his head. “You’re just wasting your talents, Darren. As a friend, I’m going to give you some advice.”
“Are you serious? How many times must I tell you, Carr. We’re not friends and I don’t need or want your advice.”
Carr ignored him. “The man I work for is very powerful. You should come work for him, too, because soon…I will have the authority you say I don’t have. When that time comes, you can be sure I’ll use it.” He paused. “If you were to work for him like I do, you would also have unlimited power.” He shook his head. “I’m not joking. Come and work for him. He wants you to.”
Fuller stared at him. “Who are you talking about?”
“His name is…” Carr stopped. He had been about to reveal a name but decided not to. With a knowing smile, he decided to drop a different name and keep the other name a secret until he could trust Fuller with it. “…Judas Hannah.”
Fuller regarded him for a moment. “Who is Judas Hannah?”
Carr shrugged. “It doesn’t matter right now.” He lowered his voice. “I’ve told him all about you and he wants to have you on his team. He wants you…and he wants Lenox.”
Fuller didn’t like where this was going. Who is this Judas Hannah? Is that the name Carr intended to give me…or is there another? “Why does he want us, Carr?”
“I told him everything I knew about you and your people. He’s only interested in you and Lenox.” He paused. “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Lenox since I’ve been here. Where is he?”
“He’s in Maine…where I sent my pilots to pick him up.”
Carr regarded him. “Darren…I’m going to leave soon, but if I’m still here when your people return, I want to speak with Lenox.”
Fuller shook his head. “That’s not going to happen and you know it. As I recall, Al and I or someone on my staff has to be in the same room with the two of you so that Michael isn’t tempted to cause you great bodily harm. He doesn’t particularly like you.”
“One way or the other, we’ll have that talk.” He rose to his feet. “I’d like to offer a warning.”
Fuller raised his eyebrows. “Oh…really?”
“You claim to be a Christian.”
Fuller folded his arms across his chest. “It’s not a claim. I am a Christian.”
“You should denounce that claim as soon as possible. The time is coming when those who call themselves Christians are going to face a difficult future. I’d hate to see you endure such hardships because of your false beliefs.”
Fuller decided it would be a waste of time to argue with Carr about where he stood. Instead, he asked, “Tell me, Carr…what do you believe in?”
Carr smiled. “I believe in something you wouldn’t understand. But some day, you will. Until then, just consider what we’ve discussed.” With that, he left the office.
Fuller couldn’t help but feel as if the devil himself had just left the room.
“And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” 1
The future was uncertain. Only what was done for Christ mattered. Nothing else did. Everything else was either a waste or a work for the devil. Those who served God would live forever. Those who didn’t would experience eternal torment. The war for souls was being waged on planet earth and whether it was believed or not, casualties were high.
God’s children were also His soldiers. When they followed Him and did His good Will, everything always worked out for good, especially to those who loved Him. Yet in spite of it all, sometimes His Will could not be understood by mortal man.
Sanders was a man who had been right where God wanted him to be when Bandjough’s heart was attentive to the Gospel. Sanders followed the leading of God’s Spirit and continued with the work he had been given and because he had been willing, God’s work was accomplished through him.
But Satan was angry when souls were won to the Lord. His evil forces were at hard work to hinder God and he was walking to and from the earth, seeking to devour those people who loved God.
What is the purpose of God when a child of His is allowed to be destroyed by the enemy? Who can know it, but God, until that purpose is revealed?
Sanders did the will of his God and the enemy didn’t like it. Because of the war being waged, another casualty was added. Behind the Federal Building in Albany, in the darkened alley, Sanders’ broken body lay still, his lifeless eyes staring up toward the sky and toward the rooftop of which he had been pushed.
The enemy thought that he had won a victory, but even in death, Sanders had known the enemy was wrong. That knowledge allowed a small smile to stay upon his lips even as his sightless eyes remained open. His body may have been lifeless, but it no longer mattered. Sanders had seen his hope fulfilled. His faith had been proven true. He was no longer earthbound.
He was standing in the presence of the Lord.
1 - Romans 8:28
Coming Soon
Episode #6 - The Key
Hank Sumter is going to die,
unless Staci can save his life.
Director Fuller and Shiva follow a trail,
hoping to see where Key #832 will lead them.
And the question remains…
Where is Michael Lenox?
_______ _______ _______
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