The Beast was alive and well on planet earth and he had the power of the Dragon backing him up. For years, he had been simply biding his time, but during those years, certain steps had been taken to insure his rise to power during the foretold Tribulation period.
One of those steps was being implemented now.
In the Atlantic Ocean, an aircraft carrier ship called the USS Forrestal suddenly came into play. Several F-16’s left from it, each one with a deadly mission to carry out. Two of them broke off from the formation and headed inland, toward a remote location in Maine.
The pilots were patriotic Americans. They had served their country with pride and honor, but they had their orders. They were told that the President of the United States had been assassinated and that those terrorists responsible were currently using the President’s ranch in Piscataquis River Reservoir as a base of operations. There the terrorists intended to continue with their attack upon the United States of America in any way they could.
They were headed for that base now and they fully intended to honor the memory of President Walter J. Ballou…
By destroying it.
* * * * * * *
It was a matter of urgency which drove Fuller to lead President Ballou and the newly appointed Head of the Secret Service, Lambert, back to his office. As they were heading down the darkened stairwell with their flashlights, Fuller hesitated. He had the strongest feeling they were not alone in the stairwell. Someone was there, watching them. He stopped, causing Ballou and Lambert to stop as well behind him on the stairs.
“Hello…?” Fuller called out, shining his light down the stairwell at the landings below.
His beam of light caught a man standing there two stories below them. His dark eyes fixed directly on the Director. Just as quickly as he was seen, he simply stepped back and out of sight.
“Hello!” Fuller shouted, knowing full well he had seen someone below them. “Who’s there?”
Ballou and Lambert shined their light down to help.
“I don’t see anyone,” Lambert finally said. “Maybe there’s no one there.”
“I saw someone,” Fuller insisted.
“I saw movement,” Ballou told them. “But maybe it’s some of that tart’s men.”
Lambert almost let out a chuckle. “Mr. President…are you referring to Ed Carr as a tart?”
Ballou nodded. “Yeah. Don’t you know that most tarts leave a bad taste?” He shrugged. “Anyway, maybe that’s all who was down there. Just one of the so-called agents from Justice.”
Fuller nodded thoughtfully. “Maybe.” He kept the rest of his thoughts to himself. He didn’t understand why, but he felt as if the man he had just glimpsed had a darker purpose for being there than simply being there as one of Carr’s agents.
He tried to shake off the feeling as he continued to lead the men on. On their way to his office, he stopped to order one of his staff members to locate Willon, LeBeau and Bandjough, and have them come to his office. He felt as if time was now of extreme importance and it was just beginning to run out.
He didn’t understand where this desperate urgency was coming from. Perhaps, he mused thoughtfully, this is what it feels like to be led by the Spirit. He prayed for God to guide him and show him what needed to be done. With each step he took toward his office, the stronger the impression became that something sinister was in the making.
What he was feeling must have shown on his face.
“Sir, are you alright?” Lambert asked.
Fuller opened the door to his office. “I’m fine,” he grumbled. “Let’s just get inside.” Once they were all inside, he closed the door and moved around his desk to sit down.
“You look a little pale, Darren,” Ballou observed with concern. “What’s wrong?”
Fuller let out a sigh. He took a deep breath as he looked at the palms of his hands. They were wet with perspiration. He looked up at Ballou. “You didn’t feel that?” he asked softly.
Ballou paused as he glanced at Lambert. “I felt…something. I’m not quite sure what it was.”
Lambert regarded each of them. “I didn’t feel anything.” He paused. “Are you two alright? Should I get some help?”
Fuller shook his head and waved it off. “No, that won’t be necessary.” Inwardly, however, he prayed, Lord Jesus, please help us. Walter and I are both so very new as Christians. We don’t understand what’s happening. If there is someone or something here that intends to hinder Your work, than I ask You to bind it in the name of Jesus. Amen. He looked up.
Ballou and Lambert were watching him. Lambert’s face was unreadable, but the President’s face showed his concern.
“I’m fine,” Fuller reassured them. “You, Mr. President, on the other hand, I’m deeply troubled over.”
Ballou frowned. “You’re troubled about me?”
Fuller sat back. “I know Ed Carr, Mr. President. He’s up to something, as is always the case with him. Trust me when I say this…He knows exactly who you are.”
Lambert paused. “But Mr. Carr told us he believed the President was dead and that…” He indicated Ballou. “…forgive me, sir, that you were not the President, but an imposter.” He looked at Fuller. “Are you implying that Mr. Carr was lying?”
Fuller nodded. “Yes, I am.”
Ballou folded his arms across his chest. “Darren, if that man knows who I really am, why would he lie about it?”
“I don’t know, but I do have my suspicions. Mr. President, I believe he knows who you are and this puts you in danger. We have to get you out of here. Now.”
“The Storm Breaker’s been grounded,” Lambert reminded him. “We’re not going to be able to fly him out of here.”
“No…” Fuller shook his head. “Trying to get him out of here by chopper will only attract attention to him.” He paused. “I do have a thought. It’s a crazy idea…but it might work.”
Ballou narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “What are you thinking?”
Fuller didn’t reveal his thoughts. Instead, he said, “Still, I am going to need to have the Storm Breaker operational. I want them to complete their mission, which is why I need both Keith and Jeremy in here.”
“Do they have anything to do with this crazy idea you hinted at?”
Fuller smiled wryly. “Actually, no.”
“Are you going to even let us know what this idea is?”
“Not yet. I’m still trying to work out the details. But if Carr hasn’t changed - and it seems like he hasn’t - it just might work.”
“And this idea is going to help me - what? Disappear?”
“You might say that.”
Ballou regarded him for a moment. “If you won’t share this idea with us yet, can you at least tell me why you feel it is important to get me out of here?”
Fuller paused as he looked at both Ballou and Lambert. Finally, he said, “This whole thing right now smells like some kind of attack on you, Mr. President. I don’t mean the attack on the United States of America. I mean the secondary attack on you personally. It seems to me that someone has gone to a lot of trouble arranging for F-16’s to hit your ranch.”
“It was always a possibility for something like this to happen if my ranch was compromised,” Ballou replied.
“No one is going through the motions to see if you have even survived, Mr. President. This operation is being conducted as if someone wants to make sure you are dead. I believe Ed Carr is a part of this agenda. He knows who you are and certainly knows any attack upon the ranch will no longer eliminate you. If you remain here, you will continue to be a target.”
Ballou paused to consider Fuller’s words. “Can’t you take him?”
Fuller nodded. “I can, but I won’t.”
“Why not?”
“If we leave him be, we could learn more about what he’s up to. Ed Carr loves to brag. I’ll be able to get him to tell me more when I can get into a one-on-one conversation with him. In the meantime, you, Mr. President, have to vanish into thin air.”
* * * * * * *
“This man needs to be saved,” King replied as he, Shiva and Staci were gathered around the wounded, unconscious man on the table.
Shiva exchanged a puzzled look with Staci. “I don’t mean to sound ignorant or anything…but doesn’t everyone need to be saved?”
King glanced at him. “Yes. Yes, of course. What I mean to say is that I have been directed to come here by the Lord, specifically to get this man to become one of His.”
“Are you saying you believe he will be saved?”
Staci let out a sigh. “David…this man needs more than salvation right now.” She hesitated. “I mean…I didn’t mean to make…Of course, salvation is more important than anything else. What I’m trying to say is that this man is in need of medical attention and he needs to be conscious before he can get saved. I-I don’t know what I can do for him! I don’t have the equipment to--”
She was interrupted by the sudden arrival of Ed Carr and several of his men. They simply shoved open the doors and strode into the room as if they owned it. They approached King, Shiva, Staci, and Sumter, and spread out so that they were covering all of the exits. Carr’s eyes took in everything. He finally looked at Sumter as if he expected to find him there.
Then, his eyes met King’s and they narrowed. “Who, sir, are you?” he asked softly.
King didn’t hesitate. “My name is David King.”
Carr regarded him for a moment. Then, he glanced at Shiva and as if he was simply dismissing the ex-wrestler, he looked at Staci and smiled. “I don’t believe I’ve had the pleasure of meeting you before.”
Staci hesitated. “My name is--”
“You’ve got about three seconds to leave this room before I throw you out!” Shiva snapped unexpectedly, placing himself directly in front of Carr. He glared at him.
The tension suddenly rose as the men who entered with Carr focused on Shiva.
Carr stood still. Finally, he shook his head. “Now I’d expect that kind of behavior from Lenox, Mr. Fury, but not ever from you.”
Shiva took a menacing step closer. “If Knox were here, he wouldn’t give you a warning like I’m giving you one.”
King slowly put himself in between Carr and Shiva. “Easy, big guy. I don’t know why there’s hostility here between you two but I am certain we can avoid it if we all just take a few steps back.”
Carr smiled. “Well said. Mr. Fury, listen to your friend. Besides, aren’t we all on the same side?” His smile told everyone in the room that they weren’t on the same side. “We’re here to get this city restored to its former glory. Nothing more. Nothing less.” He glanced at Sumter. “There is a wounded man here who won’t get any help if we can’t be reasonable.” He once more turned to Staci. “I’ve never seen you before, my dear. Are you new with the ATD?”
Staci shook her head. “No. I’m a doctor. My name is Staci Cohen.”
Carr frowned. “A doctor?” He paused as he regarded Staci and her patient closely. “This man was brought in from where?”
“Maine,” Staci said. “He was shot in the knee.”
At the same time as she spoke, Shiva replied, “It’s none of your concern.”
Staci glanced at him. She was beginning to become nervous with the sudden change in their current dilemma. She sucked in her lower lip and glanced at King for help.
Carr shook his head. “Alright. Fine. Be mysterious about your wounded friend.” He smiled at Staci. “I would like to ask you why this man is here and not at a hospital, but perhaps now isn’t the time. My name, Staci, is Ed Carr and I am the Chief Director of Justice. This man needs medical attention, that much is certain. I can help you get whatever he needs so you can do what you have to.”
Staci hesitated. “Thank you, Mr. Carr.”
“Just tell me what you need and I’ll see to it that you have it within the hour.”
She went over what she needed with him while the others stood by and listened. After she was through, he smiled at her, promised he would see to it that she had everything she required and then he and his men left the room.
Shiva waited until the door was closed. “That didn’t go well.”
Staci looked at him, puzzled. “Why didn’t it? He’s going to get me what I need to help him.”
He shook his head. “You don’t understand, Doc. You don’t know Ed Carr. He’s a man that follows his own agenda and everything that took place in this room just now is proof of that.”
“What do you mean?” King asked.
“If Carr was a man who followed any type of protocol, he would take Sumter to the hospital and then, into custody. The fact that he didn’t tells me he has other plans in mind.” He placed his hands on his hips in frustration. “Plans that only fit with his hidden agenda.” He turned to Staci. “And I don’t plan on letting him get near you. You can’t trust him, Doc. He’s as tricky as a fox.”
“How do you know him?” she inquired.
“He’s been a thorn in the ATD’s side since I’ve been here. Even before then. Always comes in every now and then and causes nothing but trouble. Brings on investigations that have no substance to them. Makes accusations. Just hinders everyone from doing their jobs.” Shiva let out a sigh. “Even tried to get Lenox arrested for murder but he had no case.”
“Why would he do that?”
“He does it because he can. He does these things because he has no love for the ATD.” He paused. “He does it because once…he had a chance to work as a field agent of the ATD but Director Fuller found him questionable and turned him away. Carr has been after us ever since.”
* * * * * * *
Barrington had left hours before to follow the trail in the woods. Moore knew the ATD agent was going back through the woods to go to Willow Creek Baptist Church in hopes of finding answers to questions he might not ever find. Leaning against the wooden fence in the shade of a tree, Moore pondered over the last few days as McLaughlin approached him.
“When is this chopper coming back for us?” the big man asked, an uncharacteristic touch of impatience in his voice.
Moore shrugged as if he had all the time in the world. “Dunno, son. Son number one told us it was on the way, but that was hours ago. It’s just overdue.”
“Son number one?”
“Oh, now, son…not everyone can be son number one.”
McLaughlin shook his head. “I don’t care about that! I just want to get out of here and back to where I should be.”
“And where would that be?”
“With the President.”
Moore watched him from the corner of his eye. “And what about Sumter?”
McLaughlin shrugged. “Can’t do nothing about him at the moment.” He paused. “But if I ever do catch up to him, I’ll put a bullet in his head.”
“You aim high, don’t you?” Moore shook his head. “Not that Lenox. He aimed low and put a bullet in the man’s kneecap. My knees hurt just witnessing that.” He thought he saw something in the distance up in the sky. He put a hand above his eye. “I think I see something, son. Perhaps our ride.”
McLaughlin paused as he looked up to the skies. “I don’t think so. There’s two of them…and they’re moving faster than a chopper.”
The two men exchanged glances.
“You know…I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Moore said softly.
The two men began to follow the fence line away from the ranch.
“Why?” McLaughlin demanded. “We don’t know who’s up there--”
“Son, there are two unidentified flying objects coming fast in our direction. I think it would be wise to shut up and run for cover.” He shoved the man before him. “Now!”
They ran for the woods.
“I don’t see why you’re suspicious of trouble!”
Moore didn’t answer him. They didn’t get to the woods in time but dove for the ground as two F-16’s soared overhead. Several missiles rained down from above, hitting the ranch and destroying it in a fiery ball of red and black flames. The two men crawled into the woods and laid still on the ground as they watched the flames reach for the sky.
McLaughlin swore as the F-16’s passed over again and dropped more missiles of destruction.
The two men remained in the woods even when the F-16’s were gone.
* * * * * * *
Barrington didn’t know what to expect when he returned to Willow Creek Baptist Church, but he was hoping to find Lenox waiting there for him. When Lenox was nowhere to be seen, he was disappointed and even more concerned as to where his friend had gone off to. More importantly, he had no idea what Lenox was thinking of doing.
All Barrington knew was that his friend had shot and killed a North Korean assassin outside of a church and then walked away. No one knew where Lenox went or why. Barrington had already talked to those in the church about what they knew and even that wasn’t much at all. They seemed to believe that the North Korean - who did not speak English - came into the church during a song, wept, raised his hands toward heaven and simply walked out as a new man.
Then, an agent wearing the FBI logo on the back of his jacket stepped out of the woods and shot the man. After that, he was gone.
Why did I return here? Barrington asked himself. What do I hope to gain?
He had no answer for himself.
As he stood there, he noticed a man standing at the back door of the church watching him. Barrington recognized him as the newly appointed Baptist Minister of the Willow Creek Baptist Church. His name, ironic enough, was John Saint.
Barrington slowly made his way toward him, nodding a greeting as he moved.
Saint waved. “Brother Bear…I’m surprised to see you’ve come back, but I’m glad you did.” He held out his hand. “Did you find your friend?”
Barrington shook his hand. “Afraid not. And honestly…I don’t know why I’m here now.” He shrugged helplessly. “Just restless, I guess.”
“Or maybe you followed the Holy Spirit’s leading.”
He paused. “Maybe. I don’t know.” He looked around. “So…I take it my friend didn’t show up after I left.”
Saint shook his head. “No. But from what you’ve told me about him, doesn’t sound like he’s looking for help from believers like us. Sounds to me more like he’s fighting against the truth.”
“He’s stubborn.”
“Most people are until they find their way.”
Barrington sighed. “I’m afraid he’s not going to find his way. I’m afraid he’ll run out of time, and then…” He shrugged helplessly.
Saint remained silent for a moment. “Well…you did what you could for him. Now it’s in God’s hands. All you can do is pray. And we’ll pray for him, too…my wife and I, and our gathering. Your friend is outnumbered. With so many praying for him, he really has nowhere to run.” He paused as he looked around. “Besides…where can you run to on this planet, or even in this universe, where God cannot be found? He’s everywhere.”
Barrington nodded.
“The important thing now is that…He’s with us. He took us in even after we refused him the first time and were left behind because of it.” Saint shook his head. “It doesn’t matter what we were or what we did before the Rapture occurred. What matters now is where we are with God.” He regarded Barrington for a moment. “I’m glad I was left behind, Brother Bear.”
Barrington couldn’t help but grin at the name. “Why is that?”
“Because it gave me a second chance.”
“It gave all of us a second chance if we aren’t so blind to see it.”
Saint shook his head. “No…you don’t understand. I come from a Christian background, but the reason I didn’t accept it was because I was too busy fighting with my own illness and what it was doing to my life. And to what it was doing to those around me.” He shrugged. “Sure, I went to church and did what I could when I was strong enough to do it. But I was diagnosed with cancer and…it’s taken its toll on me and on Chris. When the Rapture happened, I realized I was being selfish and decided to make it right with God. I’m determined now to do what He asks of me, even if it’s to die with cancer.”
Barrington looked at him. When he had been there the last time, he had not known of Saint’s condition. “I’m…sorry, Pastor.”
Saint grinned. “Don’t call me Pastor. And don’t be sorry.” He snapped his fingers. “And, oh yeah…don’t let the name fool you. Saint may be my name, but Saint ain’t what I is.”
Barrington chuckled. “Right…”
“You must have had your days full after the Rapture…being in the service of our government as a law enforcement type. We’ve spent our days here at the church, studying and bringing people in. Our food pantry is about depleted. Yet I can‘t imagine the chaos you had to have been up against.”
Barrington thought about the attack on America at the same time the Rapture had occurred. “You could say that.” Then, another thought struck him and it suddenly dawned on him why he had returned to Willow Creek Baptist Church. He looked at Saint. “I found a shelter.”
“So did we. We’re sheltered in His care.”
“A bomb shelter.”
Saint regarded him.
Barrington hesitated. “Look, I’ve been searching for areas where Christians can stay when the time gets…harder than it is right now. I believe I’m here to show you and your gathering where it is.” He paused. “That has to be the reason I was led here.”
“Now this sounds like a plan. I’m into that. In fact, I woke up this morning and was impressed upon my heart by God that a change was coming. Why don’t you follow me inside and we’ll get a bite to eat before we head out?”
Barrington agreed. Now that he knew what God was leading him to do, he felt a small sense of relief. Unfortunately, his concern for Lenox was the only thing which could lead him to lose his focus.
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