The Storm Breaker covered a lot of ground from above, but there was no way for LeBeau, Bandjough and Lenox to know where Crowe had taken Staci. They knew that time was short. Once Crowe had Staci isolated, he fully intended to kill her. She would become another one of his victims unless they found them in time.
The three men in the helicopter each wore a headset, which enabled them to hear each other. Without them, the pilots would have to shout at Lenox who sat in the back, waiting to open the door the second the Storm Breaker was lowered toward the ground.
“There are two places he could have taken her, Knox,” LeBeau said as he looked down at the scenery below. “Four warehouses in the area are active, so I doubt he’d be stupid enough to bring her to one of them.”
“The other two are abandoned warehouses,” Bandjough added. “The trouble with checking each one of the two out is that Albany is right in the middle of them. How are we gonna check them both out?” He let out a sigh. “We could check one of them out, but while we do, what if Doc is at the other one?”
“Drop me at this one,” Lenox told them. “Then, check out the other one yourselves. If she’s there, do what you have to do to get her back safely. You may need to take Crowe out. Can you do that?”
LeBeau nodded his head. “Yeah. We’ll take him out if we got to.”
Bandjough glanced at him.
Lenox kept his eyes focused on below. He watched the roads heading toward the warehouse they were approaching. “I just don’t want you to hesitate when it comes to pulling the trigger. I know things seem to be different for you since you both became…Christians…But you’ve got to understand. This man is a cold blooded killer and he hates Christians. He won’t hesitate to take Staci’s life so you have to promise me not to hesitate in taking his.”
“I told you, man,” LeBeau declared, “we won’t hesitate. I want Doc back just as much as you do.”
“What about you, Rookie?”
Bandjough hesitated. “If I have to, Knox…I’ll take a shot at Crowe.”
Lenox nodded. “Okay…Thanks. Drop me off on the hills to the left of the warehouse. When I’m out, fly right over the warehouse. I’m sure Crowe will expect there to be some kind of a search. It won’t seem strange to him.”
LeBeau nodded. “You got it.”
The Storm Breaker headed for the hills and once they were over it, the pilots lowered the helicopter toward the ground. Without another word, Lenox opened the door and jumped out. By the time the Storm Breaker was back in the skies over the warehouse, Lenox was running down the hill toward it. One way or the other, he was determined to get Staci back at all costs.
Shiva stepped out onto the rooftop with his gun leveled and at the ready. He wasn’t certain if someone was on the roof or not, but he wasn’t going to take any chances. Something caused a reflection and even though it could have been anything, he suspected that it was caused by movement. Movement caused by someone.
He peered around the corner. At the edge of the roof, a man was looking into the scope of a sniper rifle. He had the rifle aimed at a window in the Federal Building across the street. Shiva was certain that the window the man was aiming at was a part of Director Fuller’s office.
The ex-wrestler leveled his gun at the man’s head. “Drop the rifle,” he ordered.
The man tensed.
“Slowly. Don’t make any sudden moves or I’ll put a bullet in you.” Shiva shrugged and added, “I may be a bad shot, but I’ve got plenty of bullets. I’m sure some of them will hit you before you do something stupid.”
Not seeing any other options, the man slowly placed the rifle onto the rooftop before him.
“Now with your hands behind your head, fingers interlaced,” Shiva continued, “turn to face me but remain on your knees.”
The man followed Shiva’s instructions carefully.
The ex-wrestler regarded him for a moment. “I’ve seen you before.”
The man remained silent.
Shiva let out a sigh. “Why are you here? Who did you come up here to assassinate?”
“Why don’t you take a look in the scope and see for yourself.” the man suggested.
“I don’t have to do that to figure it out. You had that rifle pointed at an office window across the street, at the Federal Building. Specifically, at my boss’ window, which tells me…you’re targeting Director Fuller.”
“No. I’m not.” He paused. “I was targeting…someone else.”
Shiva scowled. “Who?”
The man didn’t respond.
“I said who?”
“Why don’t you look for yourself?”
Shiva hesitated. Then, he decided to look for himself only because something was bothering him about the whole scenario. He knew he had seen this man once before, but couldn’t remember where. He also could not get past the impression that he wasn’t the enemy. Could the man be a believer?
He reached into his back pocket and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. As a precaution, he tossed them to the man. “Put them on with your hands behind your back and then slowly…back away from the rifle.”
The man caught the handcuffs and did as he was instructed. When he was away from the rifle, Shiva re-holstered his weapon and moved to the edge of the roof. Watching his prisoner, he picked up the rifle. Then, he looked through the scope…
Surprise was clearly evident on his face.
His prisoner hadn’t moved. He remained where he was, watching the ex-wrestler. When he saw the look of surprise, the man said, “Now do you understand? I’m not the enemy here. He is.”
Shiva had to be certain that he had seen who he thought he saw. He looked through the scope again.
He could see Fuller’s office. He could see Fronk…Director Fuller was standing behind his desk. Past Fuller and Fronk, the door to the office was open. Carr was there, standing to the left. Shiva could just make out the man’s arm and half of his face. Carr had a smirk.
Fuller and Fronk were not the man’s target, and neither was Carr. Shiva understood clearly that the man who was standing in the doorway of Fuller’s office was the target.
That man was Tristian Salvadori.
The only thought going through Shiva’s mind was…What is the Antichrist doing in Director Fuller’s office?
Bollinger ran off into the woods. He ran as fast as he was able to, dodging branches, darting around trees and attempting to get as much distance as he could from those who pursued him. He didn’t know how many were after him, but he heard at least two. As he ran, he grinned with malicious glee and occasionally, a giggle or chuckle burst from him.
In his hands was a lockbox. In the lockbox, he knew he would find $60,000.00. He had taken it and decided to leave Camp Wood. He knew that it was only a matter of time before King and the others caught onto his act anyway, so the only option before him was to leave. Leaving with the cash was only an unexpected bonus. The only problem with that was he wasn’t actually certain if the lockbox had any money in it or not. For all he knew, Saint could have emptied it and placed the money somewhere else. He had been about to open it but that was when Chase caught him.
He had pushed Chase out of the way and ran toward the woods. When he got to the woods, that’s when he heard Chase running after him…but someone else had also joined the chase. Bollinger was a fast runner. He prided himself in keeping fit. He was used to running because running was something he often did when he had to get away in a hurry. He moved around trees, dodged tree limbs, crashed through bramble and bush, and jumped over fallen trees or stumps. After a time, he stopped once to catch his breath. He tried to control his breathing so he could listen for his pursuers, but even his own heartbeat sounded loud.
He knelt down beside a large tree and placed the lockbox before him. He looked around and peered behind the tree. No one was in sight. Satisfied for the moment, he opened the box and grinned with delight.
The money was there.
Laughing softly to himself, he took all of the money out and buried it under leaves, broken branches and twigs beside the big tree. Then, he closed the lockbox, picked it up and got to his feet.
Bollinger looked and running toward him was Chase.
The rogue agent took off once more, but this time, he didn’t run as fast as he had been. Chase seemed to be in good shape himself, but Bollinger decided to see what would happen if he let the man catch up to him. As it turned out, that wasn’t a problem.
Bollinger had to come to a dead halt as a cliff stopped him in his tracks. He twirled one arm out as if he were a bird taking flight while he clung to the lockbox with his other arm. He tried to balance himself to keep from plunging down what seemed to be a three story fall…Below the fall was a steep, rocky hill for another nine stories. He wasn’t confident that falling straight down for three stories, and then rolling down nine stories more of a rocky hill was something he would survive.
He regained his balance and stepped back.
Taking a deep breath, he peered down the cliff.
“Bollinger!” Chase shouted from the woods behind him.
Bollinger turned and saw Chase standing there, catching his breath. The man glared at him, noticing the lockbox in his possession.
“You have no right,” Chase told him, trying to keep the anger out of his voice…and failing.
Bollinger held the lockbox with both hands. “What…? This?”
“That money doesn’t belong to you! And for you to steal it from us…” Chase swallowed, shaking his head. “What kind of Christian would do such a thing?”
He shrugged. “Ah…it’s only money.” With a grin, he tossed the lockbox over the cliff.
Chase stared at him. He had no idea that the box was empty. He moved right to the edge and stared as the box fell. The box bounced down the steep hill, hitting against rocks as it continued its downward plunge.
“What’s wrong with you?!” Chase demanded.
“Hey, if you really want the money, then…” Bollinger gave Chase a shove. “…go and get it.”
The look of shock on Chase’s face was something Bollinger would never forget. The man lost his balance and fell off the edge of the cliff. He didn’t even scream. He just fell and Bollinger watched in amazement as Chase fell through three stories of nothing but air. Then the man’s body hit the beginning of the steep, rocky hill. Chase had no way of breaking his fall as he began to tumble out of control down that hill. When his body finally stopped falling, he wound up on his back. From where Bollinger was standing, he had absolutely no doubt that the man’s body was broken.
He shook his head. “Oh, man…”
Then, he heard a click behind him.
“Don’t move,” said a voice.
Bollinger didn’t move. The gun suddenly pressed to the back of his head was great incentive for him not to move. “I don’t plan on it,” he said calmly.
Sheriff Hoag moved slowly forward, his gun at the ready. “You move one inch, I’ll pull the trigger.” He looked over the edge of the cliff and when he saw Chase far below, the muscles in his jaw twitched. His finger tightened on the trigger.
Bollinger could hear it and he knew what was coming.
Seconds before the gun went off, Bollinger twisted around and shoved Hoag’s arm straight up. Then, he pushed at him and ran. Hoag almost fell back but caught his balance. When he regained his balance, Bollinger was in the woods. Hoag fired four shots after him, but had no idea if he hit him or not.
Torn with going after him for revenge or trying to get to Chase, his concern for his friend was stronger. He holstered his weapon and looked for a way down to help Chase.
Bollinger returned to the tree where he had hidden the money. He bent down and brushed away the leaves and branches, uncovering it. As he picked up the money, he heard something behind him.
He turned to look.
To his surprise, Amber Eastwood was standing there, holding onto a big stick as if it were a baseball bat.
“I knew there was a reason I didn’t like you,” she said.
And then she swung the big stick right toward his face.
Fuller wasn’t the only one who was speechless because of the man who had appeared in the doorway to his office. Erin and Fronk were stunned as well. Erin, however, was more than just shocked at seeing the man in person. Her eyes were wide open in fear.
Carr was standing to the right of Salvadori, inside the office. Outside the office, there were several of Salvadori’s personal security team, spread out through the ATD Center.
“Director Fuller,” Carr said, stepping forward. “I’m quite certain that the man before you needs no introduction…but just in case someone here is ignorant of who he is, I shall gladly introduce him.” He paused for dramatic affect. “This is Advocate Tristian Salvadori.”
Fuller swallowed.
Fronk blinked as he glanced at Erin. Then, he turned to Fuller, a puzzled look on his face. “Did he just refer to the man as…Advocate?”
“William,” Fuller began, his eyes locked with Salvadori’s, “please refrain from making any comments.”
Carr glared at Fronk. “That would be wise. I should think that members of the ATD would be above making the err of insulting a visiting dignitary such as Advocate Salvadori.” He sighed. “Please show some respect.”
“Respect?” Fronk inquired.
Fuller took a deep breath. “William…”
“Oh. You mean…” Fronk snapped his fingers and sang, “‘R-e-s-p-e-c-t. Find out what it means to me! 1’”
Carr turned to glare at Fuller. “Director, should we have this man forcibly removed?”
“‘Sock it to me! Sock it to me! Sock it to me!’”
Before Fuller could respond, Salvadori shook his head, a small grin on his face. “That won’t be necessary. Besides, I only came to tour the building here…and to speak directly with you, Director.” His eyes never left Fuller. “Alone.”
Fuller paused. “William…take Erin out for a coffee or something.”
Fronk turned to Erin, who was staring at Salvadori. She was pale and rigid with fear. When he took her by the arm, he could feel that she was trembling.
“Come on, Erin,” he said softly. “Let’s go to finish up that task we had started earlier.”
Salvadori stepped further into the office so that Fronk could lead Erin out of it. Fronk was worried because he nearly had to drag her out. He couldn’t be certain, but he thought that she might be in a state of shock. Once they were out of Fuller’s office, that left Fuller alone with Salvadori and Carr. It was like leaving him alone and unprotected with two vipers.
Carr went to close the door.
“You must leave, too,” Salvadori said. “Director Fuller and I need to discuss…important issues.”
Carr looked disappointed. “But Advocate--”
“Issues that do not concern you.”
Something in his voice caused Carr to proceed with caution. He left the office without another word, closing the door behind him.
Fuller and Salvadori were alone.
Fuller didn’t say anything.
Salvadori, on the other hand, knew what he was going to say. He also felt as if he could take all the time he needed to say it. He smiled. “Ed Carr is a puppet…but he has his uses from time to time.”
“What can I do for you, sir?” Fuller asked politely.
“Your personal assistant seems to fear me.”
“She’s been under a lot of stress.”
Salvadori smiled as if to humor him. “I know she fears me, Director. In fact, I know that all of you fear me because of some crazy notion of who you think I am.”
Fuller shook his head. “I have no fear of you. And I happen to know exactly who you are.” He paused. “I just don’t know the purpose of your visit here today.”
“Then, perhaps I should tell you.”
Fuller didn’t respond. He simply waited.
Salvadori shrugged. “Fine. I will tell you why I am here. I am here to simply give you fair warning.” He opened his mouth to continue, but was interrupted by a sudden, unexpected tremor.
The tremor was then followed by a quake.
Staci was in the trunk of Crowe’s car for the entire night since he had abducted her from her apartment. She had regained consciousness only to find herself in darkness, bound and gagged. She tried to make noise, but anything she did was drowned out by the loud music playing from the car’s stereo. All she could do was lay there and pray. It was her only option. She realized that God would answer her prayer one way or the other. He would either take her home to be with Him…or He would make a way out for her. Either way, the way she began to pray was to ask for strength to face whatever happened.
Hours later, it became clear to her what God’s answer was.
The car came to a stop. The engine was turned off, and then, the radio. The car door opened and someone walked toward the trunk where she was trapped inside. A brief moment later, the trunk opened and Staci found herself looking up at her captor.
Sebestian Crowe reached into the trunk for her. “It’s time, darling. This is where you get off.”
1 - “Respect” - Aretha Franklin
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