They didn’t meet in Director Fuller’s office. The second the Storm Breaker set down on the rooftop of the Federal Building, Fuller, Shiva, Fronk and Erin made their approach. They climbed aboard before Lenox, Staci, LeBeau and Bandjough made any moves. Shiva closed the door behind him.
“We have problems,” Fuller began, putting on a headset so that the two pilots could listen in. “Tristian Salvadori has told me that he is fully aware of who we are as Christians and he doesn’t intend to let it rest. He didn’t say when he would do something about it, but he did tell me that our lives would be made miserable by him personally in the not too far future.” He turned to Lenox. “I know you’re not with us on this, Michael, but I fear for your soul. I’m afraid that the Antichrist might use you against us if you don’t make a decision about Christ soon.”
Lenox shook his head. “If you’re talking about me betraying any of you, you’re way off base, Director. That’s not going to happen.”
“Michael, you don’t know that. You can’t be sure because you don’t believe as we do. You can’t live on the outside without eventually being forced to make a choice based on your duty or your own beliefs. We’re going to be against you at some point. We’ll do something that will compromise you and that will force you to do something you may not want to do.” He made eye contact with him. “The sooner you admit that, the better it will be for you to start seeing the truth.”
“If you’re so certain I’ll turn against you, why don’t you order me to get out so you can continue with your private meeting?”
“Because you know where we’re going. If I don’t tell you, you’d still figure it out in very little time.”
Lenox nodded. “Bunker Island.”
“I still don’t know why you guys call it an island,” Staci commented. “It’s not an island at all.”
Lenox glanced at her. “So, you’re going there to, what…hide? Because you think it‘s only a matter of time before Salvadori comes after you?”
Fuller nodded. “Essentially, yes.”
“You really think he’s going to come after you?”
“Yes, I do.”
Lenox thought about it. “I think you’re all crazy.” He looked at Fuller. “For what it’s worth, I won’t tell him.”
“It’s my prayer that you never meet the man personally. He can be very persuasive, Michael.” He paused. “He’s going to the White House and Vice President Marcus Quatermain is going to give him the royal treatment.”
Shiva nodded his head. “Yeah, but President Ballou is going to attack the White House when the Antichrist gets into the White House. He has a small army ready for it.”
Lenox turned to regard him. “How do you know about that?”
“I was speaking to someone who has learned of it before the quake. His name is Kempner. Sean Kempner.”
Lenox recognized the name but he didn’t respond to it. He turned to Fuller. “I’d say the action is going to be centered on the White House in a few days, wouldn’t you?”
Fuller agreed.
There was a pause.
Lenox looked around. He frowned. “I only have one question…Where is Bear?”
1 comment:
This last scene in the Epilogue was originally at the end of Chapter 55. The Epilogue was originally entitled Unbalanced II and the scene with Barrington's disappearance has been deleted.
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